0161 478 3800 | hello@peachlaw.co.uk

Law and HR, done differently.

£460.35 raised in our bake-sale for The British Heart Foundation

Monies raised was from the sale of cakes baked and donated by friends and family and from the sale of raffle tickets to win a beautiful chocolate cake.

It’s our 10th year in business and we have chosen British Heart Foundation as our main charity this year. Lindsey – our founder suffered the devastating loss of her father at the age of only 59 and, because of this life changing event, her view on life was forever altered. She never wanted to look back with ‘what-ifs’ – life is too short – just do! Peach Law was set up because of her loss.

Heart disease affects many people and families’ lives, and funding raising is vital.


£460.35 raised in our bake-sale for The British Heart Foundation

Join the hundreds of businesses that trust Peach for their unrivalled legal and HR services.

Peach Law was born out of a desire to provide clients with more flexible specialist employment law and HR expertise without the traditional call centre approach and without the need for rigid and expensive law firms. You’ll only ever speak to the senior individuals working on your account. You’ll get the information you need, when you need it.

A refreshing blend of legal & HR expertise.

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