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Law and HR, done differently.

Is there a divide in your business?

How are you managing those who are on or have been on furlough leave and those who have continued to work throughout the pandemic?

Many businesses are dealing with this issue as it appears from some that either side are disgruntled with the other. The perceived benefits of furlough was that you were being paid to be a home, sit out in your garden and enjoy the warm weather. There was no juggling between children/caring and work. However, those on furlough leave have reported to have felt extremely anxious/stressed as they were not sure they had a job to go back to. Some reported to not having a purpose and wishing they could contribute somehow.

The perceived benefits of working was that it was seen you were more important and had a purpose. Those people still had an element of structure and routine as much as possible and may be less worried about redundancy. However, those working were reported to be suffering from burnout with the long days working from home, home schooling and childcare/caring responsibilities.

It is interesting how each side perceives the other and it will be important for businesses to encourage employees to see it from both sides. In a phrase that has been going about “we are all in the same storm but in a different boat”. Those who have been shielding have had additional pressures too. Businesses should be recognising the efforts everyone is making and emphasising that everyone is contributing to the survival of the business.

Our HR Consultants have been supporting our clients with addressing these issues ensuring that the risk of employees raising grievances are low. How are you managing your workforce? Speak to our HR Consultants today! For any legal queries please contact our Employment law solicitors.

Is there a divide in your business?

Join the hundreds of businesses that trust Peach for their unrivalled legal and HR services.

Peach Law was born out of a desire to provide clients with more flexible specialist employment law and HR expertise without the traditional call centre approach and without the need for rigid and expensive law firms. You’ll only ever speak to the senior individuals working on your account. You’ll get the information you need, when you need it.

A refreshing blend of legal & HR expertise.

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