0161 478 3800 | hello@peachlaw.co.uk

Law and HR, done differently.

What has changed?

Yesterday Boris Johnson announced new measures that could be in place for the next 6 months. Today is 6 months since he announced lockdown. This is understandably putting a lot of strain and pressure on businesses.

We have gone from being told to work from home, to being told to return to the workplace if COVID Secure, to now being told that office workers should work from home. This is another change and a challenge for businesses to show their agility. The guidance state that “office workers who can work effectively from home should do so over the winter”.

What is your business going to do?

The recent guidance puts the decision on the employers whether employees can work from home. Some businesses have either decided to go back to working from home or are going to continue working from home. Some businesses are giving their employees a choice as to whether they work from home or in the office. This gives autonomy for your employees and demonstrates trust in your employees in how they work. Other businesses have decided that although they were able to work from home during lockdown it is not the most effective way and have made the decision to remain in the COVID Secure workplace.

It is important that whatever decision you take you discuss the reasons with your employees and encourage employees to put forward any concerns they have. Effective communication will always be key in managing change.


If you would like to discuss any issues that relate to working from home or ensuring your workplace is COVID Secure get in touch with our HR Consultants and Employment Solicitors!

What has changed?

Join the hundreds of businesses that trust Peach for their unrivalled legal and HR services.

Peach Law was born out of a desire to provide clients with more flexible specialist employment law and HR expertise without the traditional call centre approach and without the need for rigid and expensive law firms. You’ll only ever speak to the senior individuals working on your account. You’ll get the information you need, when you need it.

A refreshing blend of legal & HR expertise.

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