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World Menopause Day

Today is World Menopause Day and it is important for businesses to understand the impact that this has on women in the workplace. Employers should be aware of the signs and symptoms to ensure that support is available for women and discrimination does not take place in the workplace.


There have been a number of interesting cases in relation to menopause in the workplace.

  • In the case of Donnachie v Telent Technology Service Ltd there was a preliminary finding of disability and it was stated that “the effect of the menopausal impairment on her day-to-day activities is more than minor or trivial”.


  • In the case of A v Bonmarche Limited, the claimant was subjected to a sustained period of less favourable treatment and harassment because of her age and sex.


  • In the case of Kownacka v Textbook Teachers Ltd there was a partial finding of harassment whereby the MD showed “lack of insight, sensitivity and empathy” which had the effect of creating “an offensive environment”.


What can businesses do?

  • Education plays a key role, have your line managers trained to support and identify signs of the menopause.
  • Having a Menopause Policy will outline a company’s commitment to supporting women through the menopause.
  • Fostering an open culture where people can discuss the menopause and it is not seen as a taboo subject.
  • Having your senior leadership team on board will further ensure the commitment to supporting women going through the menopause, raise awareness and normalise the conversation around it.


This can be a sensitive subject so get in touch to how we can help you increase your menopause support in your workplace!



World Menopause Day

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